Sunday, April 29, 2018

Donovan Harris
AP literature and composition
period 4

                   the color purple movie vs novel

     After watching the movie and reading the actual novel I can safely say that there were a few similarities and many differences present. They managed to keep the introduction more or less the same between the movie and the novel. When compared side by side the movie and the novel were adapted pretty much perfectly albeit some scenes Changed during the first half.  But the remainder of the movie was changed drastically compared to the original source material. For example, the reason why Nettie left celie greatly differed in the movie compared to the novel. Another major difference was Sophia, in the novel she had her own struggles to go through, however the movie skipped it entirely. And biggest change was the ending, the movie's ending greatly differed from the novels ending.
     The movie was a lot more fast-paced compared to the novel counterpart. The novel gave more characterization compared to the movie. Movie's tone was a lot more upbeat compared to the novels depressing atmosphere. Not to mention the movie completely ignores the main theme of the original novel, which was forgiveness and openness. When looking at the movie compared to the original novel,the novel is the superior version in every way. The novel is the best way to get the true experience of everything event that has happen. And this how the movie is different yet similar to the original novel.

Donovan Harris
AP literature and composition
Period 3

          Overall review of the color purple

After reading the "The Color purple" I was very intrigued through and through. The characterization for each individual character in this novel was above my expectations. There were moments throughout the novel that left me stunned, and quite frankly more interested to read to find out what happens next in the story. One of the main things I found fascinating about this novel was how the novel was heavily centered around letters to God. Furthermore there were multiple themes and messages presented in this novel. In addition the novel is relatable since it refers to things that Actually happens in today's society. I recommend this novel to anyone looking for something relatable and interesting to read.

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Donovan Harris

letter to Ralph Ellison

      Dear Ralph Ellison, your novel "Invisible Man" still holds relevance in today's society. However if I were to offer my own personal opinion is say it's even worse. In today's society people are invisible due to their race, class, religion, etc The majority are visible while the minority are invisible. I was able to grasp the meaning of being invisible a little bit more thanks to reading this novel. And I must say this was an interesting read.

                        from, Donovan Harris

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Donovan Harris

invisible Man study guide question chapter 7

1. The device that appears was a metaphor because the vet wasn't literally talking about the fog but was talking about the narrator's judgment and how it  seemed 'foggy' along with his perception on matters

2. The vet was implying that he wanted to do things on his own and that he wanted to discover his own opportunities without having someone else do it for him

3. The allusion used to describe the narrator's arrival was the story of Jonah.
Donovan Harris

The three prevalent themes of "Invisible Man"

The three prevalent themes throughout the novel are: Identity, power, and race

Identity is a prevalent theme throughout this novel because the narrator is constantly trying to find his own identity in a world of racism and inequality

Power is another prevalent theme throughout this novel due to the endless power struggle. Said power struggle is between blacks and whites. Blacks were struggling for power, while whites held the most power

Race is the third prevalent theme throughout this novel due to how divided blacks and whites were. In the novel blacks were "separate but equal"

these three prevalent themes correspond to two literary works: "I too", and "refuge in America"
They are relatable due to the similarities between these two literary works

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Donovan Harris

Invisible Man study question chapters 4,5, and 6

Chapter 4

1. It was when he was at the campus and he felt as though he he didn't belong there because the students were peaceful and carefree, while he was the opposite

2. I believe he hates them because first Trueblood did something disrespectful to his daughter and claim it was an accident and he hates the people at Golden Gate is because he thinks that they have messed up his chance at staying in that college.

3. Because back when slavery was bad, the plantation is where all blacks worked and lived he compares it because their is alot of blacks that attend that college.

4. Because he has figured out how to play the white people games so they can like him.

5. They are metaphors because Dr. Bledsoe hides who he really is

Chapter 5

1. That the white man still watches over blacks

2. Peaceful because he was speaking of peacefulness when he spoke about heaven

3. It was shown to show that it was more sarcastic.

4. He says that even though he is physically bigger , he doesn't have much authority in comparison to them.

5. When the Reverend speaks about the founders resurrection

6. It shows how the men really felt when the founder had died.

7. Black was seen as sad, dark, and despair

8. It shows who he really is and now people know how and when to handle and undermine his authority.

9. A street light and a statue of a kneeling slave.

Chapter 6

1. He was relaxed and calm but when the narrator joins in he become stense

2. It was because that the narrator listened and did what Mr. Norton wanted which created problems.

3. Because they believe they have to be the good nigger and the one who listens and doesn't complain.

4. He didn’t believe that it happened and he was shocked because he thought he was better than that.

5. It foreshadows how much help the narrator will get in the future.

Monday, March 5, 2018

Donovan Harris

Invisible Man study guide chapters 1 and 2

Chapter 1
1.Allusion in the first paragraph is used by showing the narrator feels about his grandparents
The narrator feels shame towards his grandparents for being slaves and he feels shame towards himself for being in a position where he can't do anything

2. The narrators grandfather wants him to be acceptive towards racism, however acting rebellious against everyone.

3. The significance of the narrator viewing himself as Booker T. Washington is that was successful African american during that time, and was able to give hope for success through education and industry

4. The narrator describes her as a doll and he a puppet, throughout the book this seems present as Ellison uses these as an image to emphasize powerlessness.

5.  The chapter shows the limits of assimilation

Chapter 2
1.  The white line- he followed the white line while driving the white man (Mr. Norton) around.

2.  The rhetorical purpose was to show truth in philosophy in the statue, which had shown Booker T. Washington lifting a veil off of a kneeling slave.

3.  I found it was rehearsed, sarcastic and somewhat ironic as he is a rich, white millionaire.

4. He uses the allusion of a well-dressed and mannered person, showing he is educated, rich, and probably organized within his own life.

5. Although he is poor and is one of the characters who is just a side, I believe he fears him because the farmer could be someone who still supports slavery and that the narrator should still be in that setting.

6. there was little enthusiasm for his widow, however there was for Trueblood's daughter and how TB had gotten his daughter pregnant.

7. It is foreshadowing because of the incident with Trueblood and that African American's had their own sections that they were forced into so finding a place that had not been abused or unkempt is new.

8. Mr. Norton realizes that Trueblood had done something wrong and found it disrespectful to his daughter.

9. He is blind to what he had done wrong and finds himself innocent in the general situation.

10. That it was praised rather than seen as something wrong.

11. She was going to abort the baby that he had caused.

12. This is because he had 'proven' a negative stereotype that the black community had.

13. It shows that Norton is no different from the other white men who had exploited Trueblood's pain/torture for their own pleasure.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Reflection on huckleberry Finn

     After reading Huck Finn I can understand why everyone thinks it's a classic. I thought the plot of the story was very interesting. The character development of Huck Finn and the other characters were amazing. Huck Finn's maturity in this novel was very well done. And the adventure itself was very interesting.
     The point of this novel was to see through the point of views of other characters during slavery. However before the story began the readers were told to not find a plot. I felt the reason the author did this was so that the reader could enjoy the story more so than the actual plot. However I subconsciously was looking for a plot while reading. This is my reflection on the adventures of Huckleberry Finn.

Monday, January 15, 2018

Emily Dickinson quote analysis

1. Forever is composed of nows.
This means that what happens in the present will carry over to the future. This also means that what a person does now will affect the future.

2. That it will never come again is what makes life so sweet.
This means that you should enjoy it while you can. This also means that you shouldn't want for it ever again since it'll always be on your mind

3. If I can stop one heart from breaking, I shall not live in vain
This means that if you're not prepared to experience sadness you won't prepared for the future. This also means that if you don't experience sadness then you won't live long

4. If I read a book and it makes my whole body so cold no fire can ever warm me, I know that is poetry
This means that the book you read will have a powerful impact on you. This also means that poetry will have a bigger effect than a normal book

5. This is my letter to the world that never wrote to me
This means that the world never acknowledged you and you still send a letter anyway. This could also means you don't care what the world thinks about you

6. Saying nothing sometimes says the most.
This refers to actions speak louder than words. This also means that you should show Better than you can say

7. I dwell in possibility
This means that the what-if is interesting. This could also mean that you think about what may happen

8. Nature is a haunted house--but art--is a house that tries to be haunted
Nature refers to the wildlife which means that it can be viewed as a scary thing. With art it is subjective since it has its own meaning

9. parting is all we know of heaven and all we need of hell
This means that when a person dies they already know about heaven. However the conflict is with hell

10. I have been bent and broken, but- I hope- into a better shape
This means no matter the situation you shouldn't give up. This also means that if you have hope you can overcome anything

11.  In this short life, that only lasts an hour, how much- how little- is within our power
This means that a short life results in little accomplishments. This also shows how little s person can do in such little time

12. Whenever a thing is done for the first time, it releases a little demon
This means that a person in prone to getting overconfident. This also shows how a person acts when they get something for the first time

13.  To shut your eyes is to travel
This refers to having a dream. This could also mean that when you shut your eyes you're seeing something else

14.  Open me carefully
This could mean to take your time when doing something. This also means to always show caution

15. Till I loved I never liked enough
This means that you'll only love when liked yourself. This could also mean that until the you feel something yourself you won't feel yourself