Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Donovan Harris

Invisible Man study question chapters 4,5, and 6

Chapter 4

1. It was when he was at the campus and he felt as though he he didn't belong there because the students were peaceful and carefree, while he was the opposite

2. I believe he hates them because first Trueblood did something disrespectful to his daughter and claim it was an accident and he hates the people at Golden Gate is because he thinks that they have messed up his chance at staying in that college.

3. Because back when slavery was bad, the plantation is where all blacks worked and lived he compares it because their is alot of blacks that attend that college.

4. Because he has figured out how to play the white people games so they can like him.

5. They are metaphors because Dr. Bledsoe hides who he really is

Chapter 5

1. That the white man still watches over blacks

2. Peaceful because he was speaking of peacefulness when he spoke about heaven

3. It was shown to show that it was more sarcastic.

4. He says that even though he is physically bigger , he doesn't have much authority in comparison to them.

5. When the Reverend speaks about the founders resurrection

6. It shows how the men really felt when the founder had died.

7. Black was seen as sad, dark, and despair

8. It shows who he really is and now people know how and when to handle and undermine his authority.

9. A street light and a statue of a kneeling slave.

Chapter 6

1. He was relaxed and calm but when the narrator joins in he become stense

2. It was because that the narrator listened and did what Mr. Norton wanted which created problems.

3. Because they believe they have to be the good nigger and the one who listens and doesn't complain.

4. He didn’t believe that it happened and he was shocked because he thought he was better than that.

5. It foreshadows how much help the narrator will get in the future.

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