Thursday, November 30, 2017

Donovan Harris


period 3

After reading Frankenstein there were multiple twists and turns throughout the story. Victor with with his curiousity led to the creation of his monster. However the monster was always treated with disrespect, which in turn led to the monster killing people. His actions can't be justified, however it was his upbringing that led to him becoming the way he is. And throughout the story the monster lacked any emotion or empathy, but after the death of Victor at the end of the story the monster showed actual emotion.

Sunday, November 26, 2017

All journal entries

All journal entries

Goneril and Regan tells their father of their professions of love. However these two tells him what he wants to hear. With Cordelia she tells him what he needs to hear. King Lear couldn't understand this so as a result he disowned his own daughter and sent her away. Kent had tried to talk sense into King Lear, but he was too stubborn and therefore banished Kent.

In ACT 2 of King Lear; King Lear had grown even more stubborn. He wanted to keep his 100 knights but his daughters tells him that he could online keep half. As a result of this King Lear becomes furious. The main reason for this is because although he gave up most of his power in his subconscious he feels as though he has all the power.

I think I've done very well on this essay. Although I ran out of Time, I was still able to include the majority of my reasonings. And if there is anything I need to work on it'll have to be time management.

My favorite tale in my opinion was definitely the Pardoner's tale. I was able to relate to the tale. And it had different types of irony used in the tale.

The main character would respond to himself. From this it appears that he tells this story to himself. From the Text it can be inferred that he's middle aged and was facing a midlife crisis. He would argue with himself whether he would die alone and whether he had any courage. It's well known for guys when it comes to relationships they are worried whether or not they'll be rejected. Not to mention the speaker had a misunderstanding.

After analyzing Psalm 23 it can be inferred that it teaches an important lesson throughout. The way I feel is that at the end of the day you will receive good virtue as long as your faithful

From reading the prodigal I'm able to relate to it. The son had wasted all his father's money, and as a result he felt great shame. But to the son's surprise his father wasn't angry at all. As for the other son he began to feel jealousy.

In Psalm 91 it talked about trials and tribulations. It also mentioned how people would take things in vain. It also mentions how it tests other people's faith.

Both of these poems use repetition. They both use metaphors to explain their meaning. In addition both poems use personification. And both these poems were done by the same person.

Infant joy and infant sorrow were similar due to the main theme dealing with infants. They both talked about how the infants were brought into this world. Not to mention they were both born without names. And the way I see it, both poems describes what happens in birth.

Monday, November 13, 2017

Journal entry for act 2 of Macbeth

Act 2 of Macbeth.                               Donovan Harris

In act 2 Macbeth is contemplating where or not killing the king would be a good idea. In addition he's still trying to comprehend what the three witches had told him. Later on lady Macbeth had drugged the drinks so when king Duncan was killed the guards would be under suspicion. During act 2 the king was killed. Macbeth made a reference to Neptune's ocean, thus showing that he needs to wash away the blood. Near the end of act 2 MacDuff tells everyone to see what he's seen. And at the end of act 2 there were already suspicions About who committed the murder.

Journal entry for act 1 of Macbeth

             Act 1 of Macbeth.               Donovan Harris

In act 1 of Macbeth there were three witches where they said at the end of scene 1, "Fair is foul and foul is fair". This implies the overall theme for act 1. Later on in act 1 the three witches appears before Macbeth and Banquo. When they arrive the three witches starts talking about how Macbeth would be king. later on act 1 Macbeth decides the best way to become king would be to kill the current king. And lady Macbeth decides to help Macbeth for her own purposes.

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Psalm 3[a]

A psalm of David. When he fled from his son Absalom.

Lord, how many are my foes!
    How many rise up against me!
Many are saying of me,
    “God will not deliver him.[b]
But you, Lord, are a shield around me,
    my glory, the One who lifts my head high.
I call out to the Lord,
    and he answers me from his holy mountain.
I lie down and sleep;
    I wake again, because the Lord sustains me.
I will not fear though tens of thousands
    assail me on every side.
Arise, Lord!
    Deliver me, my God!
Strike all my enemies on the jaw;
    break the teeth of the wicked.
From the Lord comes deliverance.
    May your blessing be on your people.

From Psalm 3 the message is to have faith that everything will be alright. In the 1st and 2nd stanza it talks about how no matter how many Stand against you and no matter what anyone else says you'll be protected. The same is said through stanza 3 and 4. And at the very end of the stanzas it showcases that as long as you have faith you can take down your enemies

Donovan Harris

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Review of King Lear

After reading king Lear I have to say that the ending was horrible. Although it was foreshadowed in the beginning of felt way too forced in my opinion. As for the book as a whole I thought it was pretty interesting. I was able to see the perspectives of all the other characters instead of the main character. The way the characters were portrayed was on the dot. Story-wise I felt that the setup could have been a lot better. In conclusion I felt as though King Lear was a decent story, just that how it was handled could have been better.

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Tale of the Hunters

           Several days and nights, except the land's in constant fright. Doesn't matter who, if he sees them as a target their fate is sealed. As the rain Pours it may cleanse the soul, however the stain of blood and corpses forever lingers.  Once the hunt is over, the man in black takes his leave, leaving the dead to waste. However, a small beacon of hope is revealed. In the darkest corner another "Hunter" stalks the "Hunter" who has hunted. Though the man in Black's face was not revealed, the "Hunter" gives his sadistic smile. And the "Hunter" says, "let the games begin".
          One week later in the depths of town; the man in Black awakens. His pupils as red as the blood he leaves in his wake. He has the appearance of a young man in his early 20's, with hair as black as the night he hunts in. His day starts off as any other; wake up, eat breakfast (Albeit he despises it), spits it out, finds something more comfortable to put on, and relaxes until a new night arrives. The blood of those he kills is like a delicacy, in contrast normal food is like torture. All in all while his "curse" is being unable to eat normal food, his "blessing" is the unimaginable taste of the blood he kills. And now the man in black relaxes.
               Then out of nowhere the door bell rings, snapping the man in Black's train of thought. He then gets up, walks to the door and opens it. Once the door is opened, the one who knocks is a young child, with sand color hair with matching eyes. The young child says "good morning sir, sorry to interrupt you on this fine day". The young child smiles genuinely. The man in black replies "and who are you little....... Girl". The young child retorts "I'm a boy!!". The man in black then thinks "so it's a trap huh?" He then says "well all the more reason for you to leave, if I'm seen with a trap character my reputation is ruined. The young boy then states "well don't worry I'll be only but a moment, so you don't mind if I come in?" The man in black thinks "it's probably a a kid who left the orphanage; that'll make it the seventh time in a year". He then says in defeat "fine come on in".
            As the young boy entered the room, he took in his surroundings. The young boy then says "Alright I won't take much of your Time, first of all you can think of me as a hunter". The man in black replies " A trap character that hunts..... Kinda makes me wanna call child services". The young boy then counters "I wouldn't underestimate the power of children if I were you". He then continues saying " but for your information I'm an investigator". The man in black says " they're making children investigators now?" The young boy then counters "considering all that's been happening with the world they'll need all the help they can get, and for your information I'm a private investigator".
       The man in black asks "so what business do you have with me?" The young boy said "I'm investigating the deaths of the people who were cut down in the forest". The man in black thinks "tch, I don't have time for this, it's still morning, so I'll just take this  kid as a snack if things get heated". The young boy then suddenly pulls out a knife and stabs his hand. The man in black hunger greatly increased when he saw fresh blood dripping. However he did everything in his power not to attack, at least not yet. The young boy said "I heard that the culprit has an unusual craving for blood, so..... You wanna taste?". The man in black screams inside his head, "this little brat!!! Be calm, play it cool, don't be tempted". The young boy then pulls out a napkin and dries up the blood. He then notices the small amount of drool coming from the man in Black's mouth. The young boy then thinks "one more push".
        The young boy then says "well apart from the taste, I heard that the smell is out of this world". Then without a sound the young boy smothers the man in Black's face with the blood-soaked napkin. And without a second thought the man in black breath it in. The man in black went crazy with ecstasy. The young boy then said "well well well, seems like I've found my culprit". The man in black realized his folly and jumped to his feet. The man in black smiled, still confident about the situation. He then said"It doesn't matter that you figured me out, it only means that you're going to die. The young boy then laughed hysterically; after he regained his composure he then asked " do you know why I'm a private investigator?". The young boy then took his shirt off, revealing at least fifty knives hidden around him. The young boy then stated " it's because I can't help but get carried away when I kill my targets". The man in black looked in horror as he soon realized that this little boy was not normal. The young boy then said "my last target lasted around ten minutes before dying, so I wonder how long you'll last."

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Women in the middle ages

             While a few women lived somewhat comfortable lives they still faced hardships due to the fact that in that particular time period men were at the top of the social class. Women would have lesser payment then men. In addition what most women would hope for during that age was to become a servant for the rich. Also in that society what the man says goes. Women who had a rich family would marry early while the poor had married when they were older. And it's known that women who were poor didn't live past the age of 40. So in conclusion, the lives of women during the middle ages were hard and treacherous.

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Summary of Geoffery Chaucer

                 While a few women had somewhat comfortable lives,they still faced hardships due to men being at the top.

Monday, February 13, 2017

Letter from Grant

To whom it may concern,

After Miss Emma had Left Jefferson had admitted that he only ate the food out of wanting to be nice. Now he's back to acting like a hog, although it was the jury who accused him of acting like one.
Now the problem is I really have no idea how to deal with the situation. I've tried talking to Jefferson but that lead to nothing. I also tried to convince him that he shouldn't listen to the jury, but he insisted on continuing to act like a hog.

It wasn't all his fault, after all he was convicted of a crime he didn't commit and he's facing the death penalty.
After watching Jefferson I can only assume that one of the only reasons he's acting this way is that he wanted to make the jury feel bad in a sense. And for him the best way was to degrade himself to an animal. And once again I've tried numerous times to get him to act human but it's been to no avail. So I ask if there is any type of advice you can give me to help Jefferson in the little time he has left it'll be greatly appreciated.

From Grant

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Blog post assignment 8

I have no idea." He stared at me, and I realized that I had not answered him in the proper manner. "Sir," I added.
This quote does relate to a theme, and it is to show respect. In this quote it shows that he didn't answer the correct way making it disrespectful.

And this quote also creates conflict, due to the amount of disrespect he's showing.