Sunday, November 26, 2017

All journal entries

All journal entries

Goneril and Regan tells their father of their professions of love. However these two tells him what he wants to hear. With Cordelia she tells him what he needs to hear. King Lear couldn't understand this so as a result he disowned his own daughter and sent her away. Kent had tried to talk sense into King Lear, but he was too stubborn and therefore banished Kent.

In ACT 2 of King Lear; King Lear had grown even more stubborn. He wanted to keep his 100 knights but his daughters tells him that he could online keep half. As a result of this King Lear becomes furious. The main reason for this is because although he gave up most of his power in his subconscious he feels as though he has all the power.

I think I've done very well on this essay. Although I ran out of Time, I was still able to include the majority of my reasonings. And if there is anything I need to work on it'll have to be time management.

My favorite tale in my opinion was definitely the Pardoner's tale. I was able to relate to the tale. And it had different types of irony used in the tale.

The main character would respond to himself. From this it appears that he tells this story to himself. From the Text it can be inferred that he's middle aged and was facing a midlife crisis. He would argue with himself whether he would die alone and whether he had any courage. It's well known for guys when it comes to relationships they are worried whether or not they'll be rejected. Not to mention the speaker had a misunderstanding.

After analyzing Psalm 23 it can be inferred that it teaches an important lesson throughout. The way I feel is that at the end of the day you will receive good virtue as long as your faithful

From reading the prodigal I'm able to relate to it. The son had wasted all his father's money, and as a result he felt great shame. But to the son's surprise his father wasn't angry at all. As for the other son he began to feel jealousy.

In Psalm 91 it talked about trials and tribulations. It also mentioned how people would take things in vain. It also mentions how it tests other people's faith.

Both of these poems use repetition. They both use metaphors to explain their meaning. In addition both poems use personification. And both these poems were done by the same person.

Infant joy and infant sorrow were similar due to the main theme dealing with infants. They both talked about how the infants were brought into this world. Not to mention they were both born without names. And the way I see it, both poems describes what happens in birth.

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