Sunday, November 20, 2016

Blog post assignment 7

8. Have you ever wanted a person dead? To be completely honest there are a lot of people I want dead! There are those in school and in everyday life. However i am a neutral party so I won't do anything unless they fire the first shot. But if I really wanted to I would really appreciate it if every single person who ever crossed me would die and I mean it from the bottom of my heart. 
Derrick Dickerson question.

10. Have you ever witnessed a death? If so, how did it make you feel? In my life I've seen a lot of death, but if I were to name one I would choose an old classmate. She was the stuck up type and would really get under your skin. But she later took her own life and I saw it all happened. How I felt afterwards was both nothing due to everything I've been through, and a sense of relief because that's one more piece of trash removed.

Justin ward question 

5. How would you feel if you were in Kiens situation, in the middle of war seeing people get killed and hearing them scream in agony and dying? In my personal opinion I would feel both happy and excited. To me a war is like a type of game and it's my own personal desire to join the army and go into war and kill people.
Alexandria Flemming question 

2. How do you think being on a MIA team would affect a person? It would affect them because they would be unable to find the people they are looking for and in turn make them miserable 
Maurice spelton-poe question.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Blog post assignment 7.

1. On page 87 what did kien do for that whole Sunday? And what does it mean to feel a melancholy joy?

2. On page 88 what memories were mentioned

3. On page 89 what were the four places that kien saw again? And why did he compare them to dim names from hell?

4.  On page 89 on the last paragraph "kien had said that he had seen corpses than any other contemporary writer" what does contemporary mean?

5. On page 90 when June had read "death is another life, a difference kind than we know here. Inside death one finds calm tranquility, and real freedom" what does it mean when he reads this?

6. On page 91 what did the head of the MIA team mean when he said"if you can't identify them by name we'll be burdened by their deaths for the rest of our lives" ?

7. on page 94 how is a sorrow of war inside a soldier's heart similar to the sorrow of love?

8. On page 99 why were the MIA team amazed?

9. on page 100 when they said" that's right! The dead ones too" they must have a certain salvation" do you believe this to be true?

10. On page 100 what would your greatest prize be?

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Blog post assignment 5

I feel that parents put too much pressure on their children. The reason I say that is because the moment their children start school it's nothing but hard work.

Parents and children have emotional and physical conflicts.

People can be anything they want to be as long as they try.  This doesn't apply to everyone because they don't live up to their potential.

In my opinion not all conflicts have a winner. I say that because when there's a conflict the person who starts it and the person who ends it doesn't win in the end.

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Blog post assignment 4

The quote I used from chapter 8 is as follows. “I was a terrible believer in things, but I was also a terrible nonbeliever in things. I was as searching as I was skeptical. I didn’t know where to put my faith, or if there was such a place, or even precisely what the word faith meant, in all of its complexity. Everything seemed to be possibly potent and possibly fake.” Does the quotation indicate a conflict? Yes.  If so, what conflict? The conflict is that Cheryl wants to to have faith in her beliefs however she is met with disappointment. Does the quotation characterize Cheryl, Paul, her mother, or another character? If so, in what way does 
it characterize?  The quote characterizes Cheryl because in the beginning she prayed that her mother would live a little bit longer but she dies much later than what the doctor had said.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Blog post assignment 3

The name of the article I read is called "the wild effect". One interesting fact I found was that Americans who said they went hiking at least once increased by 15% from 2007 to 2013. One interesting detail I found was that before the book was published around 300 people would take out permits to attempt the full hike.  And my one question I had was that since over a thousand people go on the PCT just how many more people will go as time goes by?. The link to find this article is right here:

Friday, August 19, 2016

Blog Post Assignment 2

As of now when it comes to writing I honestly think I don't have any problems. But a long time ago I couldn't say.  The things I needed to work on back then was grammar. The other thing I needed to work at was my paragraphs. If I had to say my best strength is when it comes to narrative essays. I say that because when it comes down to it coming up with ideas for a story was always my best strong suit. And this what I had trouble with and my best strength when it comes to writing.

Friday, August 12, 2016

     My name is Donovan Harris I'm giving out  explanation about who I am. Right now I'm in the eleventh grade and taking two AP classes. I am seventeen years old now. My goal for the school year is to aim to the top ten ranking in my grade. My grades mostly consists of A's and B's, meaning my GPA is 3.7. I have a fun yet serious personality. I like to eat a lot whenever I can. And finally I think of myself who "follows the wind" and this is who I am.