Sunday, November 20, 2016

Blog post assignment 7

8. Have you ever wanted a person dead? To be completely honest there are a lot of people I want dead! There are those in school and in everyday life. However i am a neutral party so I won't do anything unless they fire the first shot. But if I really wanted to I would really appreciate it if every single person who ever crossed me would die and I mean it from the bottom of my heart. 
Derrick Dickerson question.

10. Have you ever witnessed a death? If so, how did it make you feel? In my life I've seen a lot of death, but if I were to name one I would choose an old classmate. She was the stuck up type and would really get under your skin. But she later took her own life and I saw it all happened. How I felt afterwards was both nothing due to everything I've been through, and a sense of relief because that's one more piece of trash removed.

Justin ward question 

5. How would you feel if you were in Kiens situation, in the middle of war seeing people get killed and hearing them scream in agony and dying? In my personal opinion I would feel both happy and excited. To me a war is like a type of game and it's my own personal desire to join the army and go into war and kill people.
Alexandria Flemming question 

2. How do you think being on a MIA team would affect a person? It would affect them because they would be unable to find the people they are looking for and in turn make them miserable 
Maurice spelton-poe question.

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